Business Intelligence Tool

ABI, a Cassava AI proprietary solution, is designed to leverage next-generation AI to enhance and automate business insights and decision-making. Handling significant volumes of data from multiple sources, ABI streamlines data analysis and provides actionable insights with minimal human intervention.


Aggregate Data

Automatically aggregate data from sources that include internal databases, cloud storage, CRM systems, and social media platforms. Clean, normalise and organise data to prepare it for analysis and significantly reduce manual workloads.

Machine Learning

Use machine learning algorithms to analyse complex datasets and identify patterns, trends and correlations that may not be accessible through traditional analysis tools.

Customisable Dashboards

Access customisable dashboards designed to visually represent data analytics results in real time using graphs, charts and heat maps.

Generate Reports

Generate reports highlighting key insights and anomalies, send alerts or notifications based on specific triggers or thresholds, and manage decision-making in near real-time.

Identify Anomalies

Quickly identify anomalies or outliers in the data such as fraud or operational efficiencies and take preventative measures or capitalise on emerging opportunities.

Automated Tasks

Automate routine data analysis tasks, scale easily with the growth of business data, and gain a competitive edge by leveraging your data more effectively

The power of ABI

ABI transforms decision-making and strategic growth for the organisation by optimising access to data and insights. Capable of rapid, high-level analytics with exceptional functionality and customisable capabilities, ABI leverages next-generation AI to help you build the next-generation of business.

Seamless integration

The ability to pull data from multiple sources to facilitate a unified view of the business.

Automated data cleansing

Automated data cleansing that ensures accuracy and reliability.

Interactive dashboards and visualisations

Deliver key insights relevant to specific roles and functions within the organisation.

Exceptional scalability and performance

Within an architecture designed to handle increasing volumes of data efficiently.

Real-time analytics & alerts

Delivered through live data monitoring and automated alert management.

Predictive analytics & pattern recognition

Predictive analytics and advanced pattern recognition for future-forward, strategic decision-making.

The Next Best offer recommendation engine

Supports informed decision-making and strategic planning alongside the ability to model scenarios and predict outcomes.

Robust security & Compliance

Backed in to the foundations of the solution to protect sensitive data and reduce risks.


What ABI can do for you

Improve your competitive advantage, transform productivity and increase efficiencies with ABI. Through our expertise, understanding of the market and next-generation AI capabilities, we ensure your integration of ABI into your business reduces costs, enhances customer experiences and gives you a competitive advantage.

Get started

Explore our bespoke AI solutions and realise the full potential of a data driven organisation.